Tuban Regency that is located in East Java, is one of the regencies that focuses on developing its area by utilizing digital technology. Recently, Tuban Regency launched a program called Desa Digital, which embodies the implementation of its vision and mission, which is to strengthen good, professional, transparent, and accountable local government governance and an effective monitoring system. With the launch of the Desa Digital program, it means that public services are digital based, with the ultimate goal is to realize the best service for the people of Tuban.

Certainly, the implementation of the Desa Digital program will run smoothly if it is supported by reliable digital infrastructure, including high quality Internet connection. Therefore, Biznet's plan to expand to Tuban Regency by providing fast and stable Internet services is expected can support all people in Tuban including the government in succeeding this program with the aim to grow the Tuban Regency in the future.

Biznet Branch Offices in Tuban Regency

No Branch Name Address Phone Number

Biznet Broadband Internet Comparison

Biznet Home

Internet service for home/apartment users.

  • Symmetrical download and upload
  •  Biznet IPTV as add-on service
  • Accommodate 1-40 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 100 - 250 Mbps
  • Dynamic Private/Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, video streaming
  • Prepaid payment method
  • Monthly fee from
    Rp 375,000
Biznet Metronet

Internet service for SMB (Small Medium Business).

  • Symmetrical download and upload
  •  Biznet IPTV as add-on service
  • Accommodate 1-80 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 50 - 750 Mbps
  • Dynamic Private/Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, download, video conference
  • Prepaid payment method
  • Monthly free from
    Rp 1,000,000
Biznet Dedicated Internet

Internet service for large-scale company with large bandwidth requirements.

  • Free of Fair Usage Policy (FUP) / Unlimited Quota
  • Symmetrical download and upload
  •  Biznet IPTV as add-on service
  • Accommodate 1-80 gadgets including computers / tablets / smartphones
  • Speed from 60 Mbps - 10 Gbps
  • Static Public IP Address
  • Email, web browsing, download, VPN, video conference
  • Postpaid payment method
  • Monthly fee from
    Rp 6,000,000

#PakeBiznet Now!

1. Biznet Fiber network will cover all areas throughout Tuban Regency

In 2022 Biznet will expand our network and coverage area in Tuban Regency, to provide the fast and stable WiFi Internet service that will support the changing trend of business activities to online, and also to support children’s study from home activities.

Plan Route 2022 - 2028

If your housing complex or property are still not covered by Biznet Fiber network, please contact our team via Live Chat or email to sales@biznetnetworks.com.

2. Stable & Fast Internet

To support Work from Home and School from Home activities, a stable and fast WiFi Internet service is the main requirements for people to have a smooth digital activities.

3. The Best Price

Biznet offers the best service packages designed to meet customers from various segments including corporations, SMBs, or individuals/home users.

About Tuban Regency

Tuban is one of the regencies in East Java which is also known as the ‘Kota Wali’. Tourists who come to Tuban can visit religious places such as the Agung Tuban Mosque, Makam Sunan Bonang and also the Klenteng Kwan Sing Bio. Not only religious tourism destinations, Tuban also has a tourist attraction that is also interesting to be explored, including beaches, caves, hills, waterfalls and others. Nglirip Waterfall, which is about 25 meters high, has a natural pool with turquoise color, with a view of shady trees, which adds to the beauty of this place.

Moreover, Tuban is also known as the City of a Thousand Caves. This is because there are so many beautiful cave tourist objects. Some of the caves that can be visited are Putri Asih Cave, Kancing Cave, Holy Cave, Akbar Cave and many more caves in Tuban and surrounding areas.